Shock Wave Therapy: Optimize Healing of Tendon and Ligament Injuries in Your Horse
Meddleton Equine Clinic provides Shock Wave Therapy using HMT/PulseVet, the shock wave machine specifically developed for orthopedic applications in the horse. Treatment can be done on the farm and can usually be performed with light sedation. A typical protocol is to treat the affected area 3 times, with 2-3 weeks between treatments. For injuries requiring an extensive time period to heal, SWT can be done on a monthly basis.
Unique Benefits of Shock Wave Therapy
- Promotes tissue healing so that injuries can heal faster
- Increases new blood vessel formation improving blood supply to injured tissues
- Attracts bioactive proteins such as growth factors, cytokines and chemotactic agents.
- Attracts circulating mesenchymal stem cells.
Tendonitis and Suspensory Ligament Injuries
- Speeds healing
- Resolves inflammation
- Increases the quality of the healing
- Increases collagen fibers in addition to improving parallelism of collagen fibers
- Stimulates cell proliferation
- Disintegrates calcifications
Osteoarthritis (OA): Bone Spavin / Arthritis
- Reduces lameness
- Reduces synovitis
- Alters the process of OA breakdown as it mediates a variety of pathways
- Protective effect: may prevent cartilage breakdown
Bone Fractures
- Speeds bone healing
- Better quality bone healing: higher bone strength and bone mass
Wound Healing
- Refractory, large open wounds heal faster
Other Conditions
Sore back, kissing spines, sacroiliac pain, lumbosacral pain, collateral ligament tears, neck pain, bucked shins, splint bone fractures, ringbone, navicular disease, and certain bone cysts.
Getting Your Horse Back to Work
We have so much more to offer now to get your horse back to work after an injury. Once we’ve localized the source of a lameness with a lameness exam and diagnosed an injury with digital radiographs or digital ultrasound, we can now offer many new treatment modalities that can enhance and speed healing and recovery from previously career ending injuries. Shock Wave Therapy can be used as a stand-alone therapy or in combination with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) for a superior result.
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