We offer a comprehensive approach to diseases of the foot. You’ve heard it said, “no foot, no horse”! That is why Dr. Meddleton takes a special interest in diseases of the foot and working together with farriers to keep your horse sound. Providing the X-ray overlay on a picture of the foot provides an incredible visual aid for corrective shoeing!
No Foot, No Horse
From acute issues like abscesses and laminitis to long-term issues like club feet and corrective shoeing, we are dedicated to working with you, your horse, and your farrier to keep your horse sound at his base.
It’s A Team Effort
Most foot issues require a team working together and communicating effectively: the vet, the horse owner, possibly the trainer, and the farrier. Dr. Meddleton encourages the experts in the field to elevate & foster a working communication between vet and
farrier. We often examine cases together, taking pre and post radiographs to assess the effectiveness of various corrective shoeing techniques.
Call Us For Your Tough Hoof Cases
Hoof issues can be confounding, frustrating and ultimately devastating if not managed correctly. Let us help you get your horse on the right foot!